Teeth Whitening Treatment involves the process of improving the color of your teeth that may be stained or discolored/mostly yellow for multiple reasons. The most common reasons of losing the natural color of the teeth are the dietary habits such as drinking large amounts of caffeine, sugary drinks, red wine, tea, smoking, not brushing the teeth properly and taking certain medicines. Aging also results in making the teeth less bright with the teeth enamel getting thinner and dentin becoming darker.
At Radhika Dental Confi-dental clinic for teeth whitening – teeth whitening treatment is an easy, fast and non-invasive cosmetic treatment provided by experienced and most professional teeth whitening dentist capable of producing immediate results. Your dentist for teeth whitening will examine your teeth to determine whether teeth whitening would be a suitable and effective option for you.
Mostly, the whitening gel is used in case of lighter stains or the gel is combined with the power of the advanced laser light accelerator to remove stains that have been built up over the years in one treatment.
Laser Teeth Whitening treatment has been scientifically tested and considered not having any negative effects on the gums, enamel or dentine of the teeth. Teeth whitening treatment procedure takes about half an hour to 90 minutes depending upon the severity of the stains and how white you want your teeth to be.